Reduce It Costs And Improve Efficiency With An Enterprise Linux Subscription

Certain activities are required for stable software and must be done by a vendor or an IT team, resulting in lower productivity.

Reduce It Costs And Improve Efficiency With  An Enterprise Linux Subscription

There is a common misconception that open-source software is a lower-cost, competitive solution for running highly available, reliable, and critical workloads in datacenters and cloud deployments.

On average, organizations saved US$43,600 per 100 users when they migrated from community software. This webcast highlights research uncovering several key effects of switching from community projects to paid enterprise open source projects: Certain activities are required for stable software and must be done by a vendor or an IT team, resulting in lower productivity.

Join us as we’ll review:

  • IDC research about the use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • Cost and business benefits to customers.
  • Value, options, and services included with a Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription.